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4 Tips for Improving Your Home’s Air Quality for the Holidays


It’s the holiday season and for some people, it’s their favorite time of year. From baking cookies and putting up holiday decorations, to spending more time with friends and family, there’s a lot to look forward to!

But one thing that’ll interfere with your merriment and enjoyment of the holidays is poor indoor air quality in your home. After all, no one wants to host out-of-town visitors when there’s a smell you can’t get rid of or your home’s air causes their allergies to flare up. So here are four tips to help make sure everything about your home is festive and welcoming—especially its air!

1. Get a Whole House Air Filtration System

Whole house air purification could really set the tone for an enjoyable holiday season with benefits that keep on giving once the holiday season is over! So why not give your home and your family the ultimate gift of clean, pure air this holiday season? 

These systems are installed alongside your existing HVAC system to clean the air throughout your entire home. You’ll notice the improved air quality and its positive effects on your health almost immediately. From air filters to air purifiers, our team will provide you with tried and tested air purifier services in Hagerstown, MD that keep the air you breathe healthy. Let’s get you started today.

2. The Scents of the Season

Holiday-themed candles and air fresheners are popular this time of year with delectable-sounding names. But did you know that chemicals in candles and air fresheners are a common source of poor indoor air quality in homes? The fragrances in these items fall under the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and they’re a common pollutant in homes. Not only that, they don’t do a great job of masking smells.

Instead of using items that are manufactured with chemicals, you can achieve better results by decorating your home with items that smell good naturally. Pine cones, cinnamon sticks, orange peels, pumpkins, and evergreen branches not only smell wonderful, they also make great decorations. Just make sure the items you use aren’t potentially harmful to your furry, four-legged family members.

3. Change Your HVAC System’s Air Filter

If you didn’t change your HVAC system’s air filter before you turned it on for the first time, now’s the perfect time to do so. Although the air filter is meant to keep dust, dirt, and debris out of your HVAC system, having a clean filter will help with air quality. Most importantly, it’ll help keep your HVAC system running smoothly, keeping your home warm and cozy.

4. Give Your Home a Thorough Cleaning

Are you hosting out-of-town guests for the holidays? This can be a great motivator to do a deep cleaning of your home. However, does it seem like no matter how much you clean, there’s a fine layer of dust on the surfaces and furnishings of your home? This is a sign that your home suffers from poor IAQ. 

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